To get the push notification or login with facebook SSO in the react native project
It seems that we can not use the pure Expo environment to construct your app with Firebase Web API
react-native-firebase is a light-weight layer sitting on-top of the native Firebase libraries for both iOS and Android
Rather than using the create-react-native-app to create the project.
We need to use react-native-cli to init the project , then the iOS and Android folder will be included.
Then you can run the below command to install the react-native-firebase and link it.
npm install --save react-native-firebase
react-native link react-native-firebase
And you need to update dependency in the gradle file or podfile .
Here is some configuration you also need to complete:
- Create a Facebook App in the Facebook Developer console , and setup the Android package name or iOS bundle ID there.
- If it's android , the hash value of key you sign the app also need to be added into the Facebook developer console app setting. You can use below command to get the hash value of your default android debug key.
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
- Setup the Facebook App ID into the AndroidManifest or info.plist file
- Create a project in Firebase. Setup the Facebook App ID and Secret in the authentication tab of Firebase console . And add app setting with your Android package name or iOS bundle ID there
- Download the GoogleService-Info.plist into the ios/APP_NAME/ folder (you also need to include it in xcode) or the google-service.json into the android/app/ folder.
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