Although I am not unfamiliar with these two topics, but I still learn a lot of gotcha in this course.
Although I am not unfamiliar with these two topics, but I still learn a lot of gotcha in this course.
Especially different consideration when you choose the way to do the project.
- react
- use proxy to redirect API to BE during development to prevent use full path ( two server during development)
- express
- how to use session and passport to handle login
- middleware can be use in certain route handler
- how to handle the route to client in production
- route to the js , css and image at first
- any route you don't know , lead to index.html
- Mongoose
- subdocument can be used when the document size is enough
- use updateOne to query and update db at the same time
- You can build the client code in two ways
- herokupostinstall after commit code to heroku
- auto build it in CI , and deploy it to heroku
- react-form
- how to use customized component in Field
- it clean the field after the component is unmount , if you don't wait this behavior , you can set destroyOnUnmount false
- the way validate the form field is easy to use
- regular expression of email
- use to test webhook during development